Viewing ofReference Material
Art students and others conducting research are welcome to make an appointment with us to view the works listed in the adjacent table.
It is also recommended for Europeans to use the online search system at KVK (Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog), in which all German and many European scholarly libraries list their available references. Sometimes the works are available for loan.
A list of further references about Australian art, which however are not yet in our reference collection, is also maintained and continually extended.
Literature in our Collection
Sammlung Essl (Hg.): Dreamtime. Zeitgenössische Aboriginal Art, Edition Sammlung Essl, Klosterneuburg 2001, Ausst. Kat., ISBN 3902001038
Table of Contents ¦ Cover Text ¦ Book Review
Table of Contents
Karlheinz Essl: Editorial -4-
Michael Eather: Dreamtime - eine Einführung zu Ausstellung und Katalog / Dreamtime - Introduction to the Exhibition and Catalogue -14-
Michael Eather: Dreamtime - Die Dunkelheit und das Licht / Dreamtime - The Dark and the Light -20-
Sam Watson: Verleugnete Stimmen des Landes / Voices of the Land Denied -24-
Michael Eather: Grenzenlose Welten / Borderless Worlds -36-
Bildteil und Geschichten / Color Plates and Stories
Ahnenfiguren / Ancestor Figures -53-
Unser Land ist unser Leben / Our Land is Our life -81-
Der Mensch und seine Natur / Human - Nature -131-
Margie West: Reisende Traditionen - Die Kunst in Nordaustralien / Travelling Traditions - The Art of North Australia -194-
Kim Akerman: Die Kunst in Kimberley - Die Knospe und die Blüte / Kimberley Art - The Bud and the Blossom -204-
Christine Nicholls: Das Dreaming in der Kunst in Zentral-Australian und Western Desert / The Dreaming in the Art of Central Australia and Western Desert -210-
Die Kultur der Aboriginal People / The Culture of Aboriginal People
Bronwyn Eather: Sprachen des Landes / Languages of the Land -222-
Kim Akerman: Dreaming - Der ewige Puls / Dreaming - The Eternal Pulse -232-
Christine Nicholls: Das Dreaming lebendig erhalten / Keeping the Draming Alive -236-
Michael Eather: Wie Aboriginal Art entsteht / How Aboriginal Art is Made -240-
Anhang / Appendix -245-