Viewing ofReference Material
Art students and others conducting research are welcome to make an appointment with us to view the works listed in the adjacent table.
It is also recommended for Europeans to use the online search system at KVK (Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog), in which all German and many European scholarly libraries list their available references. Sometimes the works are available for loan.
A list of further references about Australian art, which however are not yet in our reference collection, is also maintained and continually extended.
Literature in our Collection
Kleinert, Sylvia und Margo Neale (Hg.): The Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art and Culture, Oxford Univ. Press, Melbourne 2000, ISBN 0195506599
Table of Contents ¦ Cover Text ¦ Book Review
Table of Contents
Sylvia Kleinert and Margo Neale: Preface -v-
Acknowledgements -x-
Notes to readers -xii-
The structure of the Companion -xii-
Pronunciation of Indigenous languages -xiii-
Orthographies for Indigenous languages -xiv-
Glossary -xvi-
Abbreviations -xviii-
Contributors -xxi-
Part One contributors -xxi-
Part Two contributors -xxv-
Part one
Foundations of Being
1. Religion -9-
John Morton: Aboriginal religion today -9-
Marcia Langton: Religion and art from colonial conquest to post-colonial resistance -16-
Dianne Johnson: The Pleiades in Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander astronomies -24-
Franchesca J. Cubillo: The politics of the secret -28-
Greg Lehman: Tarner the kangaroo: A source of Palawa spirituality -32-
Judith M. Fitzpatrick: Tombstone ceremonies: Identity and political integration -36-
2. Ritual and Sacred Sites
Deborah Bird Rose: The power of place -40-
Christine Watson: Ngantalarra, on the Nakarra Nakarra Dreaming track -46-
Julie Marcus: Arrernte land and the Todd River in Alice Springs -49-
Mutitjulu Community Inc. and Parks Australia: Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park -52-
Robert C. Bropho: The stand of the Nyungah people -57
3. Kinship and Gender
Howard Morphy: Kinship, family, and art -60-
Annette Hamilton: Gender, aesthetics, performance -68-
Francoise Dussart: The politics of representation: Kinship and gender in the performance of public ritual -75-
Ruby Langford: Don't Take Your Love to Town -78-
Colonial and Post-colonial Scenes
4. Colonial Continuities and Discontinuities
Jeremy Beckett: Art and culture in unsettled Australia -81-
Chris Healy: Captain Cook: Between black and white -92-
Chips Mackinolty and Paddy Fordham Wainbrranga: Too Many Captain Cooks -96-
Julie Gough: Physiological Adaption to Cold and other true horror stories -97-
Kevin Gilbert: Aboriginal sovereignty- 98-
Howard Morphy: Art and politics: The Bark Petition and the Barunga Statement -100-
5. Rock Art Revisited
Andrée Rosenfeld: Rock art: A multifaceted heritage -103-
Luke Taylor: Rock art as inspiration in western Arnhem Land -109-
Mick Kubarkku and Murray Garde: Mick Kubarrku and the rock art of the Mann River district -118-
Paddy Neowarra and Anthony James Redmond: Our paintings are our life: Ngarinyin Aboriginal Corporation and UNESCO -122-
Richard G. Kimber: 'Play about': Aboriginal grafitti in central Australia -124-
Christine Watson: Writing on walls: Reflections of rock-art traditions in 'urban' Aboriginal art -126-
6. Arnhem Land
Howard Morphy: Inner landscapes: The fourth dimension -129-
Ian Keen: The Djang'kawu in art and performance -136-
Djon Mundine: Two hundred burial poles: The Aboriginal Memorial -142-
Ian S. McIntosh: Sacred memory and living tradition: Aboriginal art of the Macassan period in north-eastern Arnhem Land -144-
Franca Tamasari: 'Knowing the country, holding the Law': Yolngu dance performance in north-eastern Arnhem Land -146-
Gary Lee: Larrakia artists -152-
7. Between Island
Anita Herle and Jude Philp: Custom and creativity: Nineteenth-century collections of Torres Strait art -155-
Mary Bani: Conncections to the past -162-
Koiki Mabo and Jeremy Beckett: Dancing in Torres Strait -165-
Brian Robison: Contemporary Torres Strait Islander art -169-
Tom Mosby: Dance machines from the Torres Strait Islands -172-
Jennifer Hoff: Tiwi graveposts -174-
8. Queensland
Kate Khan: Adornments and design in north Queensland: A view from the nineteenth century -180-
Margie West: Flash marks: A brief history of twentieth-century Queensland Aboriginal art -184-
Elizabeth Furniss: The Kalkadoon memorial -189-
Roslyn Poignant: Tambo: Race and representation -191-
Michael Aird: 'Portraits of Our Elders' -194-
9. Central Australia
J.V.S. Megaw and M. Ruth Megaw: Painting country: The Arrernte watercolour artists of Hermannsburg -197-
Naomi Sharp: Hermannsburg Potters -205-
Jennifer Isaacs, with Irene Entata and Clara Inkamala: Irene Entata: Mission Days, 1998 -207-
Geoffrey Bardon: The Papunya Tula movement -208-
Vivien Johnson: Desert art -211-
Margo Neale: Emily Kame Kngwarreye, Utopia Panels, 1996 -220-
John Kean: The first Pintupi outstations -221-
John E. Stanton: Drawing the Dreaming: the Berndt collection of drawings from Birrundudu (NT) -222-
10. The Kimberley
Kim Akerman: The traditional Aboriginal art of the Kimberley region -226-
Michael O'Ferrall: Aboriginal artists in the Kimberley: New developments from the 1980s -230-
Queenie McKenzie and Eric Kjellgren: Painting history at Warmun: The killing times -236-
Kim Akerman: Engraved pearl shell from the Kimberley -238-
11. The Southern States
Sylvia Kleinert: Art and Aboriginality in the south-east -240-
Isabel McBryde: Continuity and discontinuity: Wurundjeri custodianship of the Mt William quarry -247-
Ann Stephen: Reclaiming Wailwan culture -251-
Philip Jones: The Toas of Killalpaninna -254-
Julie Gough: Cultural relevance and resurgence: Aboriginal artists in Tasmania today -255-
John E. Stanton: Bush landscapes of the south-west of Western Australia: The child art of Carrolup -259-
Jakelin Troy and Vic Sharman: Language and identity -263-
Mingli Wanjurri-Nungala: Yagan and the London-Liverpool connection -264-
Renegotiating Tradition
12. Urban Aboriginal Art
Margeo Neal: United in the struggle: Indigenous art from urban areas -267-
Roberta Sykes: Aboriginal protest art -278-
Lee-Anne Hall: Indigenous political poster-making in the 1970s and 1980s -281-
Kelly Gellatly: Is there an Aboriginal photography? -284-
HJ Wedge and Hannah Fink: HJ Wedge: Wiradjuri Spirit Man -292-
Wendy Brady and Gary Lee: Alternative sexualities -294-
13. Film and Communications
Ian Bryson, Margaret Burns, and Marcia Langton: Painting with light: Australian Indigenous cinema -297-
Frances Peters-Little: White people's homes -305-
Johnny Barrarra, Bangana Wunungmurra, and Jennifer Deger: Warrkwarrkbunynu media: Yolngu culture and Balanda technology -306-
Anita Heiss: Indigenous arts and media: Gadigal in profile -309-
David Nathan: The World Wide Web -311-
14. Literature
Philip Morrissey: Aboriginal writing -313-
Penny van Toorn: Early Aboriginal writing -320-
Oodgeroo Noonuccal: The Past -323-
Bill Neidjie: Story About Feeling -324-
Sally Morgan: The Letter -326-
15. Music
Linda Barwick: Song as an Indigenous art -328-
Kathleen Oien: Aboriginal contemporary music: Rockin' into the mainstream? -335-
Frank York: Torres Strait Islander music -340-
Murray Garde: Maningrida, the didjeridu, and the Internet -344-
David Mowaljarlai and Anthony James Redmond: The origins of dance and song in the Ngarinyin world -346-
16. Performance
Wesley Enoch: Indigenous performance -349-
Peter Bibby: Power Country -354-
Andrée Grau: Land, body, and poetry: An integrated dance aesthetic among the Tiwi -356-
Frances Peters-Little: High art and the humour of the ordinary -362-
Carole Y. Johnson: NAISDA: Reconciliation in action -363-
Lisa Meekison: Bangarra Dance Theatre -367-
17. Fibre-work and Textiles
Louise Hamby and Doreen Mellor: Fibre tracks -370-
Ellen Trevorrow, Yvonne Koolmatrie, Doreen Kartinyeri, and Diana Wood Conroy: Binding the rushes: Survival of culture -378-
Lena Yarinkura, Margie West, and Margaret Carew: Lena Yarinkura and her mermaids -381-
Winnie Woods and Maggie Kavanagh: Weaving baskets in the Central Desert -383-
Margaret Maynard: Indigenous dress -384-
18. Cultural Meeting Places
Gaye Sculthorpe: When whitefellas go walkabout -391-
Nellie Patterson, Wigjawara Curtis, Nancy Miller, Dulcie Brumby, Kanginy, Kunbry, Nugget Dawson, Kathy Tozer, and Stephen Fox: Cultural Tourism at Uluru: Ananguku Tjukurpa -398-
Ilaria Vanni: Bridging the gap: The production of tourist objects at La Perouse -400-
Donna Leslie: 'Another View' walking trail: Pathway of the Rainbow Serpent -402-
19. Living Spaces
Paul Memmott and Carroll Go-Sam: Aboriginal architecture -405-
Hannah McGlade: 'Slave buildings' -413-
Helen Ross, Naangari, Jampin, and Nyawurru: In the vernacular -416-
Kim Dovey: Aboriginal cultural centres -419-
Alison Joy Page: Gurung gunya: A new dwelling -423-
The Public Face of Aboriginality
20. Aboriginalities
Ian Anderson: Post-colonial Dreaming at the end of the whitefellas' millenium -427-
Lee-Anne Hall: Gesture, symbol, identity -437-
Steve Hemming: Hindmarsh Island (Kumarangk): Challenging Australian mythologies -441-
Maureen Fuary: Tales of Torres Strait: The historical novel and localised memories -444-
Ken Gelder: Aborigines and cars -447-
Maggie Brady: Aboriginal art in the social marketing of health -450-
21. Reception and Recognition of Aboriginal Art
Wally Caruana: Black art on white walls? Institutional responses to Aboriginal art -454-
Jon Altman: Marketing Aboriginal art -461-
Roger Benjamin: The brush with words: Criticism and Aboriginal art -466-
22. Cross-cultural Exchange
Vivien Johnson: Cultural brokerage: Commodification and intellectual property -471-
Johnny Bulunbulun: Copyright infringement: An artist's response -481-
Michael Jagamara Nelson: I am an artist, not a politician -482-
Joan Kerr: Appropriation art -483-
Gordon Bennett: Home Decor (Preston and De Stijl = Citizen), 1995-98 -489-
Hector Jadany, Jack Britten, Freddie Timms, Queenie McKenzie, Shirley Purdie, and Eric Kjellgren: 'They bin make us go artist now': East Kimberley painters on the art world -490-
23. The way Ahead
Mandawuy Yunupingu and Howard Morphy: A balance in knowledge: Respecting difference -493-
Karen Dayman: The Ngurrara Canvas -496-
Fiona Foley: The Natives are restless -498-
Index to Part One -500-
Part Two: Alphabetical Entries -511-
Appendix: Regional maps -745-
Illustration acknowledgement -753-
Cover Text
The Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art and Culture is a unique work of reference for the academic and the general reader alike. It contains concise and authoritative analyses by distinguished Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars; but is also gives space to the voices of Indigenous artists, enriching the reader's understanding of the complex processes and events that have shaped contemporary Indigenous art in all its diversity. With over 400 illustrations, the Companion's primary focus is the visual arts, which are growing in popularity and attracting critical acclaim both nationally and internationally. Entries on other art forms such as Indigenous literature, theatre, and music are also included. The book is wide-ranging in historical scope, from the archeologically documented traditions of precolonial times, to art styles of the colonial period and the nineteenth century, to contemporary art practice, be it in remote communities or the urban centres of the south-east. It covers important regional variations, and the work of a large number of individual artists. The pivotal role of art in the politics of recognition is a pervading theme. The Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art and Culture is extensively cross-referenced, and there is an index to the essays in the first part. As a reference work it offers flexible access to information that is not available elsewhere - much of it gleaned through original research.