Literature in our Collection

Ryan, Judith: Ginger Riley, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne 1997, Ausst. Kat., ISBN 0724101950

Table of Contents        ¦         Cover Text        ¦         Book Review

Table of Contents

Director's foreword -6-

Sponsor's message -6-

Author's achnowledgement -7-

Artist's acknowledgements -8-

Introduction. You must see it. The unique vision of Ginger Riley -10-

Map of Gulf country of the Northern Territory -12-

I'm from saltwater country. The life and work of Ginger Riley -13-

The evolution of a tip painter. Ginger Riley's early days as an artist -17-

Different from other mob, just painting this way. Ginger Riley finds himself as an artist -23-

My mother country is in my mind. The iconography of Ginger Riley's art -29-

The same but different. An overview of Ginger Riley's painting career -33-

Artist's profile

Solo exhibitions -37-

Group exhibitions -37-

Awards, commissions and artist exchanges -40-

Select bibliography -41-

Illustrations -43-