Literatur in unserem Bestand

Department of Aboriginal Affairs (Hg.): The Aboriginal Arts and Crafts Industry. Report of the Review Committee (Altman Report), Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra 1989, ISBN 0644104899

Inhaltsverzeichnis        ¦         Klappentext        ¦         Buchbesprechung


Letter of the Minister -iii-

Terms of reference -iv-

List of tables -ix-

Glossary of terms -xi-

Abbreviations -xiii-

Location of major Aboriginal art centres -xv-

Acknowledgements -xvii-

Chapter 1: Introduction -1-

The need for a review -1-

Conduct of the review -4-

Outline of the report -7-

Some preliminary comments -7-

Part A: Background

Chapter 2: The industry today -11-

Scale -11-

Industry features -12-

The products and the market -14-

Recent developments -17-

Chapter 3: Previous reviews and recommendations -21-

Aims and objectives -22-

Major findings and recommendations -22-

Implementation -25-

Recent reports -26-

Implementing change -28-

Chapter 4: The producers -32-

Data collection -32-

Numbers -33-

Incomes -35-

Gender -41-

Age -43-

Some mainstream comparisons -45-

Major issues -47-

Chapter 5: Collecting and wholesaling -50-

Aboriginal art centres -50-

Arts art centre staff -56-

Other direct purchasers -58-

Wholesaling -62-

Major issues -67-

Chapter 6: Selling Aboriginal arts and crafts -69-

The retail market -69-

Commercial galleries -74-

Other retail outlets -79-

Aboriginal involvement -80-

Markups and costs -81-

Major issues -85-

Chapter 7: The buyers and the market -87-

Market research -88-

The domestic market -91-

The tourist sector -96-

The overseas market -100-

Major issues -105-

Part B: Policy issues

Chapter 8: Government policy -109-

Cultural policy -110-

Economic policy -114-

Aboriginal Employment Development Policy -117-

State/territory government policies -121-

Policy issues -122-

Recommendations -128-

Chapter 9: Government industry support -129-

Defining industry support -131-

Australia Council -133-

Department of Aboriginal Affairs -138-

Aboriginal Development Commission -141-

Department of Employment, Education and Training -145-

State governments -151-

Overview of industry support -154-

Equity and efficiency -155-

Coordination and retionalisation -160-

Recommendations -166-

Chapter 10: Producers' incomes -167-

Structural constraints -167-

Income support options -171-

Social security issues -181-

Taxation issues -184-

Droite de suite -188-

Recommendations -190-

Chapter 11: Aboriginal art centres -193-

Identified problems and needs -194-

Staffing art centres -206-

Assessing performance -214-

Policy issues -223-

Chapter 12: Aboriginal Arts Australia Limited -227-

The history of Aboriginal Arts Australia -229-

Aboriginal Art Australia's objectives -235-

Aboriginal Art Australia's activities -236-

Performance -239-

Company structure and accountability -246-

Recommendations -250-

Chapter 13: Training -256-

The policy context -256-

Technical training needs -258-

Technical training options -263-

Arts administration needs -268-

Available and proposed training schemes -269-

Other industry training needs -276-

Some training policy issues -279-

Recommendations -281-

Chapter 14: Cultural integrity and copyright -285-

Cultural integrity and the market -286-

Folklore protection and moral rights -295-

Copyright -300-

A copyright agency? -306-

Manufacturing -311-

Recommendations -216-

Part C: Recommendations

Chapter 15: Recommendations for an industry strategy -321-

Proactive arts industry policy -322-

Current industry state and future viability -323-

The federal government role -326-

Industry needs -329-

Arts industry support unit -337-

Arts industry support strategy -340-

Ensuring cultural autonomy -344-

Implementation -345-


Appendix 1: Organisations and individuals making written submissions -349-

Appendix 2: Locations visited by the review committee -359-

Appendix 3: Locations visited by researchers -361-

Appendix 4: Questionnaire sent to Aboriginal art centres -363-

Appendix 5: Questionnaire sent to specialist retailers -365-

References -367-